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Franco Fontana. Sintesi

"The purpose of art is to make visible the invisible"

When: 23rd March – 25th August 2019

Where: Galleria Civica di Modena Palazzo Santa Margherita Corso Canalgrande 103, Modena

Palazzina dei Giardini Corso Cavour 2, Modena

MATA – Ex Manifattura Tabacchi Via della Manifattura dei Tabacchi 83, Modena


Modena pays tribute to Franco Fontana, one of its most important and internationally known artists.

A few more days to visit 'Sintesi', the exhibition that covers over sixty years of the Franco Fontana's career and traces his relationships with some of the most important authors of twentieth-century photography.

The exhibition is divided in two sections.

The first, curated by Diana Baldon, director of Fondazione Modena Arti Visive, in the Great Hall of Palazzo Santa Margherita and in the Palazzina dei Giardini, represents the true synthesis of the artistic path of Fontana, through thirty works created between 1961 and 2017 and selected from the vast photographic archive of the artist.

The second section, curated by Franco Fontana himself, hosted at the MATA, offers around one hundred and twenty photographs selected from the collection of 1600 works that the artist has donated since 1991 to the Municipality of Modena and the Civic Gallery.


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